
dead mushrooms Learn more about dead mushrooms

  • Straw mushroom large area dead mushroom how to do? Control measures of straw mushroom dead mushroom

    Straw mushroom large area dead mushroom how to do? Control measures of straw mushroom dead mushroom

    Straw mushroom large area dead mushroom how to do? Control measures of straw mushroom dead mushroom

  • Causes and countermeasures of dead mushroom

    Causes and countermeasures of dead mushroom

    Too much reproduction algebra of mycelium aging dead mushroom, or too high production temperature, improper preservation and long storage period can lead to mycelium degeneration and senescence, decline of vitality, insufficient accumulation of nutrients in the body and atrophy and death of mushroom buds. Countermeasures: high-quality bacteria should be selected and contaminated bacteria should be eliminated in time; conditions suitable for mycelium growth and development should be created; indoor cleanliness, fresh air and high temperature culture should be strictly prevented; bacteria should be used as far as possible and should not be preserved for a long time. Continuous high temperature dead mushroom before mushroom emergence

  • Causes and control of dead mushrooms in the cultivation of Agaricus blazei Murrill

    Causes and control of dead mushrooms in the cultivation of Agaricus blazei Murrill

    Agaricus blazei Murrill (Agaricusblazei-murrill), also known as Brazilian mushroom, has developed rapidly in artificial cultivation in the past two years. Agaricus blazei mushroom shrinks, turns yellow and finally dies in Agaricus blazei Murrill cultivation. The main reasons are as follows. In view of the reasons, timely measures can be taken to avoid causing greater losses. The main results are as follows: (1) the high temperature of the mushroom shed is more than 30 ℃ for several days, coupled with poor ventilation, it is easy to cause dead mushrooms. Prevention and control measures: pay close attention to the change of air temperature during the mushroom period

  • How does double spore mushroom prevent dead mushroom?

    How does double spore mushroom prevent dead mushroom?

    How does double spore mushroom prevent dead mushroom? Is there any way to prevent it? Also ask netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the methods to prevent the death of Pleurotus ostreatus, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Method 1, adequate culture materials: the growth and development of Pleurotus ostreatus, like all organisms, requires adequate nutrients.

  • New technology of controlling straw mushroom and dead mushroom

    New technology of controlling straw mushroom and dead mushroom

    First, the cause of the death of straw mushroom 1. The ventilation and moisturizing of the mushroom room are not coordinated. Straw mushroom is an aerobic fungus, which needs a lot of water, and it is easy to die from lack of water due to excessive ventilation. Lack of ventilation can easily lead to excessive carbon dioxide and hypoxia death. 2. The temperature of mushroom room changed suddenly. Most of the straw mushroom cultivated in the south uses foam mushroom house, which plays an important role in constant temperature and humidity. However, if the doors and windows are not closed in time when hit by a typhoon, or if they are not heated in time when they are frozen, or if they are not ventilated and cooled early in case of continuous high temperature, or if the well water sprayed on the floor has passed.

  • Control measures of straw mushroom dead mushroom

    Control measures of straw mushroom dead mushroom

    Volvariella volvacea is a kind of fungus with high temperature and constant temperature, which has strict requirements on the environment. According to the biological characteristics of volvariella volvacea and the author's experience in seed production and cultivation of volvariella volvacea for many years, the causes and countermeasures of the death of volvariella volvacea were discussed for readers' reference. First, the cause of the death of straw mushroom 1. The ventilation and moisturizing of the mushroom room are not coordinated. Grass.

  • What are the main points of mushroom cultivation? How to prevent the occurrence of dead mushrooms?

    What are the main points of mushroom cultivation? How to prevent the occurrence of dead mushrooms?

    Mushrooms, also known as double spore mushrooms, white mushrooms, mushrooms, Mongolian mushrooms, mushrooms, meat mushrooms, mushrooms, is one of the foods often eaten in daily life, nutritional value is very rich, deeply loved by consumers. So what are the main points of mushroom cultivation? How to prepare

    2020-11-09 mushrooms cultivation what points how prevention dead mushrooms of
  • What if the straw mushroom is dead?

    What if the straw mushroom is dead?

    The reason for the death of straw mushroom is that the ventilation and moisturizing of the mushroom room are not coordinated. Straw mushroom is an aerobic fungus, which needs a lot of water, and it is easy to die from lack of water due to excessive ventilation. Lack of ventilation can easily lead to excessive carbon dioxide and hypoxia death. The temperature of the mushroom room changed suddenly. If there is no early ventilation and cooling in case of continuous high temperature, or if too much well water is sprayed on the floor, and the temperature drops too fast, the mushroom can not withstand the sudden change of temperature and die in batches. Poor germplasm and pests. The bacteria of the right age aged and died because they could not be cultivated in time. The activity of mycelium is poor, and the accumulation of nutrients after sowing is insufficient.

  • How to prevent dead mushrooms in summer?

    How to prevent dead mushrooms in summer?

    How to prevent dead mushrooms in summer? Please introduce the method of summer bag cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, sometimes a large number of small mushrooms die after fruiting, the main reasons are the following four points, should take preventive measures early. After the primordium of Pleurotus ostreatus is formed, if the temperature is too high (more than 30℃), the cap...

  • What about straw mushrooms and dead mushrooms?

    What about straw mushrooms and dead mushrooms?

    There is a lot of wheat straw in my hometown. Can straw be used to grow straw mushrooms? Wheat straw can be used to grow straw mushroom, we should pay attention to the following points: straw mushroom is a kind of high-quality edible fungus, is a typical high-temperature mushroom species, suitable for summer cultivation. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of volvariella volvacea was 3039 ℃, the optimum temperature was 36 ℃, lower than 15 ℃ or higher than 4.

  • Mushroom ring

    Mushroom ring

    Name: mushroom circle alias: fairy ring disease. Distribution: it is distributed all over the country. Host: all turfgrasses. Features: dark green rings or arcs can appear on wet lawns in spring and early summer, or concentric circles formed by fast-growing (crazy) grass circles occasionally grow weak or dormant, or dead grass. Sometimes secondary circles formed by crazy-growing grass appear in the circle surrounded by dead grass. When the soil is dry, especially in autumn, the circle of overgrown grass in the outermost layer may disappear, making the outer layer in the outermost circle

  • Prevention and control of dead mushroom

    Prevention and control of dead mushroom

    The reason for the death of mushroom (1) the growth of young mushroom is weak. After the mushroom bed is covered with soil, the mycelium grows too fast, the mushroom position is too high, and the young mushroom is too dense, which leads to the death of some young mushrooms with insufficient nutrition supply. (2) too high temperature. When the temperature is above 21 ℃ for several days during mushroom emergence, the young mushrooms will shrink and die due to heat injury. (3) excessive humidity. The relative humidity of the mushroom room is more than 95% at high temperature. if the doors and windows are closed after spraying water at this time, and the surface of the mushroom bed is waterlogged, the young mushrooms will suffocate to death. (4) poor ventilation. Oxygen in mushroom room

  • How to prevent the occurrence of dead mushroom in mushroom cultivation

    How to prevent the occurrence of dead mushroom in mushroom cultivation

    (1) scientifically and rationally allocate the culture materials to make the C / N ratio reach 28: 30, and do a good job of composting; second, we should select high-quality bacteria to eliminate aging and polluted bacteria in time; create conditions suitable for mycelium growth and development, and strictly prevent high temperature culture; third, during the mushroom period, we should pay close attention to the changes of the weather, adjust the greenhouse temperature according to the air temperature, strengthen ventilation, and strictly prevent the phenomenon of high temperature in the greenhouse. Fourth, pay attention to the mushroom shed often ventilated (- 2Mui 3 times a day). When the temperature is high, ventilation should be carried out in the morning and evening or at night to keep the air fresh. Fifth, look at mushrooms

  • How to prevent and cure Pleurotus ostreatus?

    How to prevent and cure Pleurotus ostreatus?

    How to prevent and cure Pleurotus ostreatus? Please introduce the prevention and control methods of Pleurotus ostreatus can refer to the following methods: 1. The causes of death of Pleurotus ostreatus: persistent high temperature, poor ventilation, lack of nutrients, improper use of water, aging of hyphae, discomfort of pH, overdensity and high position of mushroom, damage caused by diseases and insect pests, abuse of pesticides, etc.

  • Discussion on the main problems and causes of the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Discussion on the main problems and causes of the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    At present, the cultivation area of Pleurotus ostreatus in our city has exceeded 50 million packets, which is one of the main varieties of edible fungi in our city, and the cultivation prospect and benefit are good. The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus can be cultivated year-round through cold storage and low temperature treatment. However, due to season, variety, medium, temperature treatment and improper water control, it often causes the death of mushroom or mushroom bud. Through years of cultivation practice, we explored and summarized the above problems for reference. At present, the main variety in our city is Xiuzhen mushroom introduced by Luoyuan from Taiwan.

  • Occurrence and Control of Xiuzhen Pleurotus ostreatus

    Occurrence and Control of Xiuzhen Pleurotus ostreatus

    In recent years, because Xiuzhen mushroom has good benefit and can fill the gap of edible mushroom products in summer, the production of Xiuzhen mushroom in Jiangshan City has developed rapidly, with a total of more than 8 million bags in 2004. But recently, some dead mushrooms appeared in some mushroom farms in Jiangshan. Through observation, it was clear that the dead mushrooms were caused by yellow mushroom disease. 1. Symptoms of Pleurotus ostreatus disease is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, so that the fruit body discoloration and decay of the bacterial disease, generally the first tide mushroom incidence rate is higher. There is mucus on the surface of the bacterial bag during the onset of the disease.

  • How to prevent mushroom wilt

    How to prevent mushroom wilt

    The dead mushroom is the phenomenon that the small mushroom on the mushroom bed shrinks, yellowes and dies. The mushroom withered in pieces or in batches, which will seriously affect the yield. 1. The reason for the death of mushrooms: 1. The temperature at the end of autumn was too high (more than 23 ℃), and the temperature increased during the period of mushroom emergence in spring (the temperature was 21 ℃ for several consecutive days), resulting in the death of young mushroom seedlings due to lack of nutrition. 2. Due to poor ventilation, insufficient oxygen and high concentration of carbon dioxide in the mushroom room, the heat generated in the process of metabolism can not be released quickly, which will make the young mushroom seedlings due to insufficient oxygen supply or

  • Several problems needing attention in the cultivation of mushrooms in autumn

    Several problems needing attention in the cultivation of mushrooms in autumn

    The growth and development of mushroom is very sensitive to temperature, and higher temperature is disadvantageous to the growth and development of mushroom. Therefore, the suitable period for cultivated mushroom is generally winter and spring. In order to meet the demand of the market, some places have tried to cultivate mushrooms in autumn in recent years. In this paper, several outstanding problems that should be paid attention to in autumn cultivation of mushrooms are introduced as follows: 1 cultivation season and altitude according to the biological characteristics of mushrooms, the temperature range of mycelium growth is 6 ℃ 32 ℃, and the temperature range of fruiting body growth and development is 7rel 25 ℃. Therefore, most of the mushroom cultivation areas

  • It was born on a dead elm tree, commonly known as a litter of sheep that used to be poisonous and now hard to buy with money.

    It was born on a dead elm tree, commonly known as a litter of sheep that used to be poisonous and now hard to buy with money.

    It is said that farmers depend on heaven for food, and it is up to God to arrange when to plough in spring and when to harvest rice. Adults look forward to more rain in spring and plant seedlings when there is enough water in the rice fields.

  • Treatment of Pleurotus ostreatus during tide turning period

    Treatment of Pleurotus ostreatus during tide turning period

    Pleurotus ostreatus is in the tide-turning period, first of all, remove the mushroom root and dead mushroom, dig up the root with a sharp knife, do not leave, pull out the dead mushroom. Secondly, the wall mushroom should be drilled with a stick with a diameter of 2cm~3cm, from top to bottom to the bottom 20cm, and then the prepared nutrient water should be added from the hole, less frequent irrigation, and enough water. Nutrition water can be used to clean rice water, mushroom root soup, urea water and so on. Mushrooms planted on the ground can pour nutritious water into the pond together with the water. Third, after filling the nutritious water, the water is suspended for 5-7 days, and the air humidity is maintained.
